
Friday, July 26, 2024

Poetry Sisters Write Want-Ad Haiku

The challenge this month was to write haiku in the form of classified ads. It's been a doozy of a month for me for too many reasons to recount. Suffice it to say I missed our monthly Zoom and I dashed these off early this morning before a walk with the dog. We did promise ourselves that these prompts weren't about perfection, but drafts and sharing. In that spirit, I share these little insights into my state of mind these days. I know haiku don't traditionally have titles, but I really needed those extra syllables!

one perfect poem
ordered up like a taco
drive-thru preferred

one more day with mom
skilled time traveler needed
no fee too great

one doppelgänger
for household chores, work meetings
signed, desperate for sleep

Poems ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2024. All rights reserved.

You can find the poems shared by my Poetry Sisters at the links below. 

    Would you like to try the next challenge? In August, we’re writing ekphrastic poems to photographs. Find an image that inspires you and write away. Are you with us? Good! You have a month to craft your creation and share it on August 30th in a post and/or on social media with the tag #PoetryPals. We look forward to reading your poems!  

    This week, Marcie Flinchum Atkins is hosting Poetry Friday. I hope you'll take some time to check out all the poetic things being shared today. Happy Poetry Friday, friends! 


    1. Aw, Tricia, "one more day with mom" -- and knowing there won't be an answer to this ad... oof.

    2. These are absolutely beautiful. What a powerful reminder of the strength of words, only a few can hit so hard. Thank you for sharing these (and for sharing every month).

    3. Tricia, you want ads are terrific, especially since they were written during a hectic time. I see what you mean by busy. You last haiku captured that. Can I share your want ad group if you get several replies? (LOL)

    4. Dear friend, we'd all answer your Mom ad if we could. ♥
      I'm so impressed that you're finding yourself coming and going and STILL got three poems in. Overachiever! ☺

    5. Oh, Tricia, I feel these. In fact, I considered a time-travel want ad to go re-spend a perfect day. Hooray for these and for you!

    6. Tricia, I can really appreciate where you are at through these haiku. I'm glad you took time to write them. The poem "ordered up like a taco" is a fun thought. The middle poem is poignant, and I feel for you. Peace. The doppelgänger would be very helpful, wouldn't it?

    7. These are all wonderful! Touching and funny and oh so true.

    8. Oh, Tricia -- these are so true and moving... The drive through made me laugh out loud, and the mom one... oh, it put my heart in my throat.

    9. These are lovely. And "one more day with mom" oh my heart.

    10. Yes to all three, please! My brother and his family were here this past week. It would have made mom so happy to know that we have stayed close.
