
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

An Interlude and a Must-Read Article

I have finally finished a four-part series on books and poems for studying animal adaptations. You should see my desk. Oh, wait! You CAN'T SEE my desk, because it's covered with books! Alas, I love doing these lists, but now I'm left with a mess that I must address. I'd better do it soon, as I have class this afternoon!

If you want to check out the finished series, here are the entries.
While I take a brief interlude to straighten my world, I highly recommend that all my readers interested in teaching and/or science read last week's news from the NSF.
Back to School: Five Myths about Girls and Science


  1. Thanks for that link. I'd heard some of it before, but Myth #5 really got to me. Yup, I definitely took a "B" as evidence that I was failing. I had no idea that boys were forging onward with "C's." (I switched out of a physics major, changing it to a minor.)

    I sent this article to my daughter, too. She's majoring in English and astrophysics, and I'd like to see her push forward through every myth and be who she is. (She's also interested in teaching science, and is already working at a planetarium in their education department.)

  2. Thank you for the animal adaptations series. I'm always looking for good science books, and it's helpful to see a bunch of them discussed all at once like that. This will come up handy when I'm helping a homeschooler one of these days, too, I know.

  3. Thank you for this wonderful series. I have listed all of the books you recommended in my book database so that I can recall them when we study these particular topics.

  4. An update: my daughter read the article. Her comment: and Mom, it's really hard to find the women's bathroom in Phillips Hall, too. (That's the physics building, of course.)
