
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

365 Days of Blogging Glory

The Miss Rumphius Effect is one-year old today, so please indulge me while I reflect on where I've been and where I'm going. I started blogging last fall in large part because I wanted my students to blog. How could I possibly expect them to take on a task I hadn't attempted myself? So, to prepare for the spring semester, I jumped in. I wasn't sure where I was going or what I was doing, but I did have some great models (Libby and Heather). I started reading a variety of blogs before I actually began to post, in an attempt to decide what I wanted my blog to be. In my first post, I explained my choice of blog title. It took me a while to nail down what I wanted to write about. My posts covered a range of topics, from teaching and reading, to books and authors, to my son. Okay, so that's what I do today, though I feel like I'm more focused.

Starting a blog can be a lonely business. I was reading a lot of blogs, but rarely commenting. If it wasn't for Heather taking the time to read and comment on my posts, I would have become frustrated pretty quickly. I began writing salutes to highlight authors and illustrators on their birthdays. It took until mid-January before I finally got a comment from a bonafide member of the kidlitosphere. I wrote about my application to travel with faculty from the University to China, Tibet and Taiwan. Entitled Dreaming of China, I wrote about my interest in linking the study of China to children's books. With that post a friendship was born, for this very first comment came from a kindred spirit, Elaine at Wild Rose Reader (although she was only a Blue Rose Girl then). Just over a week later I wrote Thank You, Grace Lin (or Why Multicultural Books Matter), and received comments from Elaine and Grace! The next thing I knew, Kelly Herold had added me to her blogroll, and The Miss Rumphius Effect was off and running.

It's been a great year of blogging. Here are some highlights.
I could go on. I was thrilled to attend the 1st Annual Kidlit Conference where I met so many wonderful bloggers and authors face-to-face. Today I am honored to participate in the Blogging for a Cure effort and excited about my involvement in the Cybils. I am so grateful to be part of this supportive community. I would name you all, but the list would be long and I fear I would leave some important member out.

Where will the next year lead? Hopefully further down this same path with more book reviews (nonfiction, of course), thematic lists, and thoughts on teaching and learning. I hope you'll stick with me. It would be darn lonely without you.


  1. Happy birthday to The Miss Rumphius Effect, Tricia. Yay!

  2. Thank you for sharing some of your favorite posts. I spent a very long time reading about your trip to China and Tibet, your response to the great scrotum debate (I added a link to this on my review of Lucky), and many other posts. I may come back and read more when I have time. When I started, no one had yet posted a comment, and now I see I'm not the first. Thanks, Tricia.

    Will you read along with the Book Buddies this month? Next month?

  3. Happy Birthday Miss Rumphius! I am where you were a year ago, still trying to figure things out. Thanks for the inspiration. (Gotta go vote for this blog now!)

  4. Happy birthday! I remember finding your blog back in January when I was new, and adding it to my own fledgling blog roll...


  5. Tricia,

    I have a special post at Wild Rose Reader in celebration of your blog's big day.

  6. Happy Birthday, Miss Rumphius! I've just been reading for a short time, but I'm enjoying your work so far!

  7. Here's to many, many more! What a good idea to celebrate by rounding up some of your favorite posts. So glad to know you!

  8. congratulations and happy blog-birthday, Tricia!

  9. Happy Birthday. I am a new blogger so I am glad to read about your first year experience. I am also a Cybils panelist and have found the warm reception into this community an amazing thing. Your highlight reel is a good introduction to you. Congratulations.

  10. Thank you all for your kind words. I'm very happy to be here.

  11. Happy Blog Birthday! I feel like you've been part of the kid lit blogosphere forever (and I mean that in a good way - like I can't imagine my daily blog visits without a trip to your site).

  12. Yay, Tricia! Happy Birthday :)

  13. Joyeux anniversaire
    Joyeux anniversaire
    Joyeux anniversaire Mademoiselle Rumphius
    Joyeux anniversaire

    Just felt like saying it in French.

  14. Happy happy birthday!! We'll have to celebrate soon with a blogger interview at 7-Imp, if you're up for one. We'd be honored.

  15. Happy Anniversary! I just love your blog. You inspire us in so many ways! I can't believe you are only one year old... You sure grew up fast.
