
Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Poetry Stretch - Poems of Apology

I love the poems of William Carlos Williams. Inspired by his work and Joyce Sidman's book This is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and Forgiveness, I thought it would be fun to write poems of apology this week.
First, read This is Just to Say, by William Carlos Williams.
Next, read an example from This is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and Forgiveness.
Now, write your own poem of apology.
For more ideas and examples, read the apology poems at Hands-On Stanzas.

Here's my poem for my sister. I must confess--it's all true.
For Susan
I came in after playing
in the sandbox and woods,
tired and dirty,
and left a trail of bugs and sticks
on your side of the room.

I spilled poppy red
on the floor
and quietly erased any trace of it,
then claimed not to know
where your favorite polish was.

I used watercolors
to create beautiful pictures,
not meaning to go beyond
the borders of the paper,
and painted your brand new bedspread.

Forgive me for being
an annoying little sister.
I hope I'm better now.
So, do you want to play? What kind of poem will you write? Leave a comment about your poem and I'll post the results later this week.


  1. Tricia,

    I posted the following original apology and response poems at Blue Rose Girls earlier this year along with a review of Joyce Sidman's poetry book.

    Here's the URL for that post:

    By Elaine Magliaro

    This Is Just to Say: A Poem to My Daughter

    I have eaten
    the chocolate bunny
    I bought you
    for Easter

    a big-eared, brown hunk
    of deliciousness
    you probably saw
    in the closet
    and were expecting
    to unwrap and savor
    on a flower-filled Sunday

    Forgive me
    it was bittersweet
    and creamy
    and melted in my mouth
    like snow
    on the first warm day
    of Spring.

    A Daughter’s Response to Her Sweets-loving Mother

    Mom! How could you???
    You know
    I love chocolate, too!
    You’re an adult
    and should have better control
    of your candy cravings.
    Set an example
    for your only child
    who also has
    a significant sweet tooth.

    Next year,
    open your wallet a little wider
    and buy two bittersweet bunnies
    so we can rhapsodize
    in a duet
    of ooohhhs and uuummmms
    and indulge
    in our chocolate Easter dreams

  2. Thanks, Elaine. This is marvelous!

  3. Am I allowed to post a belated apology limerick I wrote a few months ago? If so, here it is: Belated Apology

    Mad Kane

  4. Miss R.,
    Cece and I have written apology poems for you.
    Here's mine:
    and here's Cece's two:

  5. Tricia:

    No apologies needed. I can still so clearly see the stain on that bedspread and the look on your face.

    I would gladly give up a thousand bedspreads for all that came before and since.

