
Friday, November 02, 2007

Poetry Stretch Results - Found Poetry

This week's challenge seemed to really inspire people. Take a look at some of these creative pieces.
Terrell from Alone on a Limb gives us Who Owns the Water?. The words in this poem come from an interview Philip Greear gave for the Living on Earth series.

Over at Having Writ, sister AE used the words she sees while driving her car to write the poem Airbag. She also gives us a cento (a found poem created from lines of other poems) entitled Poetry Jam Session.

Mad Kane used quotes from a certain presidential hopeful to create The Poetry of Rudy Guiliani.

At a wrung sponge, cloudscome took search terms from her site meter and shaped them into a poem called Chicken Chasing Poem.

Sam Riddleburger
also wrote a found poem using used search engine terms that have led folks to his site.

Karen Edmisten shares the words of a friend, the frustrated gardener, in I don't know if he meant for this to be a poem.

My found poem was created by lines from letters written by my high school pen pal. It is called Meeting at a Distance - A Life in Letters.
Still want to play? Read the rules here. Then leave me a comment about your poem and I'll include a link to it on the list.


  1. These poems are all fabulous! I am falling in love with this form. It really tunes your ears.

  2. I just put one up:


  3. I didn't know the word "cento." Thanks for filling me in.
