
Friday, May 29, 2009

Poetry Stretch Results - Animal Poems

The challenge this week was to write a poem about an animal. Here are the results.
Jane Yolen left this poem in the comments.

    "Live like the velvet mole. . ." Elinor Wylie

    Mole in his hole,
    The soft brown of old rubbed velvet,
    Wrinkles up dirt through the night.
    Does he daydream of grass
    Or the roots of grass?
    Does he listen to beetles passing?
    Does he recognize in his blind way
    The pink ribbony worms?
    Or are his thoughts
    As dark, as deep
    As velvet tunnels,
    As velvet sleep?

    --Jane Yolen
Elaine Magliaro at Wild Rose Reader shares a poem entitled Toucan Talk.
I wrote a poem about a bower bird, but got stuck. Then I got caught up thinking about sloths. Here's what I'm working on right now.
It's not too late if you still want to play. Leave me a note about your poem and I'll add it to the list.

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