
Friday, October 08, 2010

Poetry Friday - Neighbors in October

This week I'm sharing a poem I first read in the column American Life in Poetry.
Neighbors in October
by David Baker

All afternoon his tractor pulls a flat wagon
with bales to the barn, then back to the waiting
chopped field. It trails a feather of smoke.
Down the block we bend with the season:

Read the poem in its entirety.
The round up is being hosted by Carol of Carol's Corner. Do stop by and check out all the terrific poetry being shared this week. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. "bagging gold for the cold days to come."

    YES! Thanks for this one. It's making me excited about the coming weekend chores.

  2. Leaning on rakes, oh yeah!

  3. Hi Miss Rumphius!

    Thanks for the experience of this poem. I have added it to my autumn bag of gold. :)

    You are adorable.

  4. Nice one--I'm trying to remember to bend with the season despite the attractions of a world of poetry on my indoor-only computer screen...

    Thanks, Tricia!

  5. I love the way Kooser makes chores sound so inviting, so meaningful. Thanks for this!
