
Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Poetry Stretch - In My Shoes

If you saw my Facebook post yesterday you'll have noticed that I went to church wearing two different shoes. Now, lots of folks have gone out with shoes of different colors. I went out looking like this.
In my defense, I did dress in the dark so my husband could sleep in. I reached in, grabbed two pair of slingbacks, slipped them on, and walked out of the house. When I got out of the car and found my feet were cold, I looked down and was shocked.

This story leads me to our writing topic - shoes. There are lots of things we put on our feet. I prefer mine to be bare, but I have had a few well-loved pairs over time. I was particularly fond of a pair of clogs I had in middle school. When I started teaching I bought my first and only pair of red shoes. I have a sparkly gold pair of heels I've only worn once . They're pretty, but they hurt and only match the dress I bought them to match. The dress is long gone, but the shoes remain. Perhaps I'll write about my first pair of skates. There's just so much from which to choose.

So, there's your challenge. Leave me a note about your shoe poem and I'll post the results here late this week.


  1. Slippers

    My comfy shoes? A pair of slippers,
    Fuzzy purple, slip-slip-slap.
    I wear them when I sit and write,
    I even wear them when I nap.

    If I should don them to go dancing,
    I’d be happy through the night.
    But drop one on my way back home--
    And every prince would run with fright.

    My favorite shoes, a pair of slippers,
    Big enough to float the sea.
    Just fit them out with oars and I
    Will be as happy as can be.

    No prince will see me in these slippers,
    None would offer me a throne.
    But I don’t care, I love my fuzzies,
    Wear them when I’m all alone.

    ©2011 by Jane Yolen all rights reserved

  2. Plain black slip-on slippers for me. I finally had to let them go because there was no longer anything holding the soles onto the tops. I like yours with their oars. I'll have to look into a purple pair and sail away...

  3. Glass Slippers

    Cinderella, dressed in glimmer,
    ran swiftly down the stairs—
    more graceful than a princess,
    she didn't trip, not even once.

    Her dress changed back to rags,
    her carriage to a pile of orange mush.
    But the girl took off her shoes
    and put one in each pocket.

    When she got home, Cinderella
    hid them in the pan cupboard
    inside her least favorite soup tureen,
    then waited for the prince to show up.

    Because if he couldn't find her
    and recognize her face, not
    her feet, she was pretty sure
    she didn't want him anyway.

    --Kate Coombs, 2011, all rights reserved

  4. It’s True

    I never lace
    my shoes too tight.
    I like to let them talk
    of sole-soul secrets
    with their tongues
    as quietly I walk
    between two voices –

    I like toes.

    I prefer a heel.

    Would you believe
    that your own shoes
    can talk
    and think
    and feel?

    © Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, all rights reserved

  5. A tanka:

    in the back
    of the closet a cat
    amongst the shoes
    comfort if not warmth
    in canvas and leather

    © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved

  6. The Backward Man

    There was a man from Santa Cruz
    Who sold his shiny Sunday shoes—
    The shoelaces,
    The shoelace holes,
    The heels and tongues.
    He sold the soles.
    And not one thing was overlooked—
    He sold the steps the shoes once took!

    The nincompoop who bought the shoes
    Now walks around in Santa Cruz
    But always with a backward look
    Taking steps the shoes once took.

  7. Winter Boot Ambivalence

    I'm sick of them, matte, scratched, and black.
    Though they wear well in snow and ice
    They do their work - there is no lack --
    They're warm and dry and match my mack --
    But have no style. I lack the knack
    Of making "sexy" from "sad-sack."
    They're waterproof, they will not crack --
    They're old, so I can't take them back.
    This was going to be a triolet before I remembered that the first line has to be repeated in the fourth. I'll have to work on this.

    :) Miss ya.

  8. I laughed out loud at this, Tricia. When I was teaching 8th grade, I wore unmatching shoes one day--same thing, husband asleep, I dressed in the dark, etc. It became a school legend:>) One of my proudest moments--ha!

    Here's my poem for today! Decided to do a riddle poem for kids. Not happy with my last stanza--need something kickier:>)

    What Are We?

    We make tracks together
    You and we equal three
    We make goals in soccer
    And grip the oak tree

    Our tongues flutter freely
    We’ve got soles but no teeth
    Wherever you wander
    We’re just underneath

    But sometimes in summer
    We’re stuck under your bed
    And then we daydream about
    Schooldays ahead

    --Laura Purdie Salas, all rights reserved

  9. Events in Arizona have me feeling something like self-loathing today--as much as I enjoy my wardrobe of boots.

    Base Nature

    They say it was the wheel
    or fire, writing or
    fences that set us on the road
    to dominating
    the planet and all species,

    but look: somewhere around
    30,000 BCE we thought to
    protect our soles.
    See us there, glancing down and then heavenward?
    We stride forward into history

    trampling wide paths, wearing
    human consciousness
    strapped to our feet with
    thongs cut from servant plants
    or the skin of animals.

    --Heidi Mordhorst

  10. The sapphire fell out of my antique ring
    the very first time I wore it, so hubby, confronted
    bought me what I really wanted,
    growling about professional running shoes...
    that I'll never really use...
    flying in on an Amazonian wing.
    I went to pay
    for laceup shoes to FLY inside the house.
    Rubber-soled purple canvas; cheap enough that even the spouse
    would approve, but then, reaching for stars,
    I put them back and bought two new sports bras.
    There are priorities,
    and then there are PRIORITIES.

  11. Stilettos

    Three inches of solid steel
    less than half an inch wide
    transform the wearer
    into a goddess,
    a sexy, steamy, slinky goddess,
    and allow her to glide
    across a room like an angel,
    a devil of an angel,
    posture erect,
    calf muscles flexed,
    wearing men weak with her walk
    as their eyes follow,
    follow and follow
    all unaware that they stare
    because of three inches
    of solid steel.

    c 2011 Barbara J. Turner all rights reserved

  12. Hi Tricia ~ That photo of your shoes is priceless! And since we are in the midst of a delicious snowstorm, which always brings out the kid in me...


    They say these things are snowshoes
    Sure look like boats to me
    For mother mouse and family
    To cross the deep blue sea.

    I can not move or try to flee
    With boats upon my feet
    Please take these dumb things off of me
    I’m ready to retreat.

    © Carol Weis, all rights reserved


    Runners and Mary Janes
    oxfords and flats
    flip flops and sandals
    with matching straw hats

    that’s what you’ll find
    in my wardrobe of shoes
    cushy and wide
    or my feet sing the blues.

    I long for platforms
    stilettos and mules
    slingbacks and dress pumps
    with sparkly heels

    but my old feet are fussy
    immune to each fad
    and if they’re not comfy
    they treat me bad!

    © 2011 by Violet Nesdoly, all rights reserved

  14. No new shoe poem yet, but Shoo, Heels! is from last year:
    Shoo, Heels!

  15. Tricia,

    I once went to work wearing two different shoes. They were similar in style--but different colors.

    Here's a "fairy tale" shoe poem I wrote:


    Remember me…the lovely lass
    Who lost her slipper made of glass?
    I didn’t want to leave the ball,
    But I received an urgent call
    From Rent-A-Coach demanding I
    Return the carriage pronto. Why?
    I guess some wealthy magistrate
    Reserved it for a midnight date.
    I’ve heard you’re searching everywhere
    To find the maid who fit the pair
    Of teeny tiny crystal shoes.
    My darling prince, I have good news:
    I’ve got the left. You’ve got the right.
    Come try it on MY foot tonight!
    You’ll find my address up above.
    Can’t wait to see you. All my love.

  16. If the shoe fits...
    and it does...
    I am awarding you with a very stylish blog award on my blog. I just LOVE your blog and all that you do!

  17. So funny! I often dress in the dark so my husband can sleep and this is always my fear. Can say that I wore a brown dress one day with black shoes...didn't exactly match! Thanks for the laugh!

  18. I'm a guy. I have two pair of shoes.

  19. Barefoot Day
    Toes, toes, attached to feet:
    Our first hello to those we meet.

    Slender, stubby, and hairy too—
    but these toes of mine are hidden from you.

    We cover them up with sneakers and crocks,
    we dress them in knee-hi’s, slippers, and socks.

    What are we hiding? Why do we fear?
    Let’s all go barefoot one day of the year.

    Bunions, and corns, and warts: beware!
    Your day is coming; you’d better prepare.

    Let’s scrub those piggies and pumice that heel—
    It’s time, oh feet, for your big reveal!

    ©2011 Julie Stiegemeyer

  20. Shoes

    Stylish and sexy
    High-heels, low-heels
    Old and comfortable
    Every color
    Something for everyone

  21. Okay, so I was just coming by to comment for Comment Challenge and now I have to come up with a poem? I guess that's fair, but you're only getting a haiku - true as it may be from me.

    Winter's three pleasures:
    silent snowfalls, hot chocolate,
    and tall leather boots.

  22. Okay, love these.
    Kate Coombs - yeah, I've always wondered about the prince not recognizing Cinderella's FACE! Well done.
    And I like MotherReader's Haiku as well.

    My own?

    Boy's don't see
    what girls see
    looking at those shoes

    our loafers and sneakers
    are sparkle-less 'sleepers.'

    boring brown and black,
    sometimes robot blue.
    If our choices were more fun
    maybe we'd love shoes, too.
