Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday Poetry Stretch - Haiku Sonnet

Hello all! I'm back after a bit of a hiatus and hopefully am in the swing of things now that we are in week 2 of the fall semester.

The haiku sonnet is a form described by David Marshall, an English teacher and writer living in Chicago and blogging at Haiku Streak. Essentially, this form combines four haiku with a final two-line “couplet” consisting of seven and/or five syllable lines.

You can read some examples of David's work at Haiku Sonnet. While his poems don't rhyme (as haiku do not), I'm thinking I may attempt to include rhyme in my stretches.

So, there's your challenge. I hope you'll join me this week in writing a haiku sonnet or two. Please share a link to your poem or the poem itself in the comments.


  1. Ten Years Later

    In this Finland year,
    My heart still in the winter
    Though it is summer,

    My friend Nora dead,
    Marianna holding on
    by various threads,

    and all thee new deaths
    combining into the one--
    you on that cold bed.

    Would I trade my friends
    To hold you for one quick night
    and say these last things--

    The words that were never said,
    Only love, love, love, love, love.

    ©2016 Jane Yolen all rights reserved

  2. Ah, Jane, wrenchingly lovely. j

  3. Used to be in May
    we had a good half-dozen
    birthdays thru till June.

    Most years I’d forget
    a couple for no reason,
    fail to send a card.

    One by one they have
    passed on, leaving us a May
    of empty, but for

    flowers and the sun
    that warms my brain enough to
    recall every one

    without exception on the
    very day that they were born.

    © Judith Robinson all rights reserved

  4. Love that, Judith, ending with the positive!

