
Friday, July 11, 2008

Poetry Friday - Why Latin Should Still Be Taught in High School

I fell in love in high school Latin class, but it wasn't with a classmate. It was with the language itself, the poetry, the myth. I still fall back on my long rusty Latin, and carry many fond memories of it. Here's a poem that has reminded me of those days.
Why Latin Should Still Be Taught in High School
by Christopher Bursk

Because one day I grew so bored
with Lucretius, I fell in love
with the one object that seemed to be stationary,
the sleeping kid two rows up,
the appealing squalor of his drooping socks.

Read the poem in its entirety.
The round up is being hosted by Lisa Chellman at under the covers. Please stop by and take in the great poems being shared this week. Before you go, be sure to check out this week's poetry stretch results.


  1. I love this poem! I, too, took Latin in high school and completely fell in love. I extol the virtues of Latin to my students constantly. Hopefully it will rub off and a few of them will also take Latin. :)


  2. Unfortunately, Latin was not an option in my small, rural high school. I don't remember any legs as mesmerizing as the ones in the poem, either. Sad.

  3. Thanks for the poem--I'd never read it before.

    I too took Latin, and thanks to my great teacher, Mrs. Paula Jones, much of it is still in my head. But it was still a darn good thing that the sight translation that appeared on the AP exam just happened to be a passage from the Aeneid that she had made us memorize in English...

  4. I also took Latin in high school -- all 4 years! I'm not sure I realized at the time how much it would help me to understand our English language, with all the roots and derivatives!

    A great picture book to maybe hook younger kids is called Cryptomania -- all about Greek and Latin roots. I use it all the time with my 5th graders.

    Thanks for the poem!

  5. Tricia,

    I didn't love Latin when I was in high school--but I'm so glad I had four years of it now. I agree with what Karen said about all the help its been with English.

    P.S. Liked the poem.
