
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog Tour for Literacy

If you haven't heard already, the Share a Story - Shape a Future event will kick off on Monday, March 9th. This blog tour for literacy will feature a group of bloggers writing each day around a particular theme. I'll be participating on the first day, where the focus is raising readers. (Yup, I've got one!) Here's the schedule for that day.

Day 1: Raising Readers
hosted by Terry Doherty at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, the Reading Tub blog
Day 2 will focus on selecting reading material.
Day 3 is dedicated to read aloud.
Day 4 looks at visiting libraries.
Day 5 is all about the future of reading and the role of technology.

You can see the entire schedule at the Share a Story - Shape a Future blog.

I find it a bit ironic that I'll be writing about finding time for reading at home on one of the few days I won't actually BE at home reading with my boy. Even so, I'll have some great ideas to share. I do hope you'll stop by and join in the conversations.


  1. That sounds like a wonderful blog tour! Looking forward to it!

  2. Thanks Tricia! I am looking forward to all of the great ideas everyone has offered to share. Now that the naps are gone and homework is here, I could use some tried-and-true tips for sneaking in a little fun reading.
