
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Poetry Stretch Results - Personal Ad Poetry

The challenge this week was to write a poem in the form of a personal ad. Here are the results.
Jane Yolen left this poem in the comments.
    Wanted for Single Gentleman

    Need a house poet,
    Somewhat shy--
    I’m not a forward
    Kind of guy—
    To slip around
    Our Amherst house
    As quiet as
    A wainscot mouse.

    If she could bake,
    That’s quite a plus,
    I’m not a man to
    Make a fuss.
    I’m rather fond
    Of gingerbread.
    Or she could bake
    Black cake instead.

    A uniform
    Would be just right.
    Perhaps she’d always
    Dress in white.
    I’m not particular,
    You see,
    I just want me
    An Emily.

    --copyright Jane Yolen 2009
Marianne Nielsen at Patchwork Poetry shares a poem entitled Next!.

sister AE at Having Writ gives us the poem Wanted.

Laura Purdie Salas
shares a photo and poem entitled Capt. Jack Sparrow: Single Beagle Looking for Love.

Elaine Magliaro at Wild Rose Reader wrote a poem in the form of a classified ad. It's called Fairy for Hire.

Jacqueline at Neverending Story shares a poem entitled A many splendid sacred thing.

Julie Larios at The Drift Record gives us a poem entitled Magician's Assistant?.
The first poem I wrote prompted this challenge and was about a frog looking for love. Here's my second.
I’m gray and so handsome—
my tail is quite curvy

Dancing in treetops
I’m really quite nervy

Leaping ‘cross branches
birds see me and scatter

I’m a talkative one
well known for my chatter

I’m looking for love
up high in the trees

or down on the ground—
I’m easy to please!

I’m crazy for berries,
acorns and bark too

If you’ll be my mate
I’ll go nuts for you!
It's not too late if you still want to play. Leave me a not about your personal ad poem and I'll add it to the list.


  1. I found this so hard, feeling my lack of technical awareness re:poetry. It turned out into more of an infomercial. Find my poem about a peacock at
    Thanks. Jacqueline.

  2. I think you should put these poems together (with author's permission of course) and shop it around to a publisher. It's a grand idea. Then you can ask other poet friends for more poems (and some of us might do another one or two.)


  3. I'm late as usual. And I broke the rules. Mine is the personal ad of a magician, over at The Drift Record

    BTW: great idea of Jane's - shop the animal ads around as a collection!

  4. I hate when I have a thought, don't write it down and then it evaproates. I did not get to this but love reading the rest who did.

  5. Love your new poem, too. Puns and personal ads just seem to go together in poems somehow:>)

    Now I'm off to read the rest!
