
Friday, August 14, 2009

Poetry Friday - August

Today I'm sharing a poem I first read several years ago and have grown quite fond of.
by Elise Partridge

Late August night,
I'm dozing in bed —

crickets sturdily cheeping —
elm nodding its head —

suddenly, flare!
glaring swath —

star, plummeting —
singed path.

Read the entire poem.
The round up is being hosted by Andi at a wrung sponge. Do stop by and take in all the great poetry being shared this week. Before you go, be sure to check out this week's poetry stretch results. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. Oh, this is beautiful - especially because the Persids are out and about this month, and we have, of course, unending rain for the next eight hours and the eighteen previous, and didn't get to see them. *sigh* Next August!

  2. This is beautiful and spare. Perfect for August! Thanks for sharing it.


  3. I must have read the beginning of that poem four times in a row. I simply love the way it's constructed and the way the words fall together.

  4. So lovely, nestled in that glove...

  5. This poem reminds me a bit of Zorgamazoo!

  6. A wonderful summer poem to ease the way toward fall. Thank you.

    (I am putting your stretches on my calendar to see if I can into the habit of coming over on time to do them.)

  7. This is gorgeous, Tricia--thanks for sharing. I LOVE short poems that pack so much into them!
