
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Reads - A Few Suggestions

Kate Coombs of Book Aunt has put together a most awesome post entitled Enter the Witches. Whether you like them good or really, really bad, she's pegged them all. If you're looking for a book with a witch, you'll find one here.

If it's poetry you're looking for, I put together a list last week entitled Monstrously Good Poetry. You'll find a range of titles that all include monsters and fantastical creatures. There's even a bit of superstition thrown in!

Over at Wild Rose Reader, Elaine has a post on Children's Poetry Books for Halloween. She has an even longer post with beau coup links called Picture Books & Poetry Books for Halloween.

On the Booklights blog, MotherReader's Thursday Three is Monsters.

Mary Ann at Great Kids Books shares some books on Halloween traditions and stories.

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