
Friday, March 05, 2010

Poetry Friday - Love That Dog

On Monday I posted my thoughts about Ron Koertge's books Shakespeare Bats Cleanup and Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs. In that post I confessed that I'm not a big fan of novels in verse. However, I do have a few favorites. Here is a poem from one of them, Love That Dog by Sharon Creech.
September 27

I don't understand
the poem about
the red wheelbarrow
and the white chickens
and why so much
depends upon

If that is a poem
about the red wheelbarrow
and the white chickens
then any words
can be a poem.
You've just got to
You can and should watch this fabulous video performance of Love That Dog featuring Sharon Creech, Walter Dean Myers, Avi, and Sarah Weeks. I promise it will be 14 minutes very well spent. I also dare you to keep a dry eye.

BTW, did you know that the terrifically talented Sharon Creech will be joining me here for the Poetry Makers series in April?! I'm just sayin'...

The round up is being hosted by Danika at the blog. Do stop by and take in all the terrific poetry being shared. Before you go, be sure to check out this week's poetry stretch results.

Finally, don't forget to stop by the blogs of my poetry sisters, Tanita Davis, Kelly Fineman, Sara Lewis Holmes, Andromeda Jazmon, Laura Purdie Salas and Liz Garton Scanlon to read the original rondeau redoublés they are debuting. Happy poetry Friday all!


  1. Tricia, Thank you for posting the iink to the video, which I'm saving for a treat for later today -- along with the rondeau redoubles! I'm a big fan of Hate That Cat, too.

  2. I love that Creech book to pieces! Actually I love all her books and so do my students. Can't wait to see what you've got cooked up for April!

    BTW you saved me this morning - I was in a rush and snagged all your links to the rondeau redoubles. We miss you dear. Hope things are well with you today!

  3. Thank you for the Creech this morning, Tricia. And know that we miss and love you...

  4. Safe travels, Tricia. Safe travels and hugs.

  5. I *loved* this book. It has a natural feel that not all novels in verse achieve -- the voice feels so real and honest.

    Enjoy your visit with Sharon Creech, lucky!

  6. I've heard Sharon Creech speak twice now, and I never get tired of her voice. Her books, the same.

    Miss you.

  7. I'm so excited that you're doing Poetry Makers again! I can't wait!!!

  8. Trisha,

    Thanks for sharing Love That Dog recording! Wonderful!

    Laura Evans

  9. Oh I can't wait to see what you and Sharon Creech cook up together. I love that poem from the book, too.

    And I am sending you good vibes for your travels to you mom and hope that life holds you in a velvet glove.

  10. Sharon Creech in April! Yay! I think I already knew that, but I'm still excited.

  11. Have you read HOME OF THE BRAVE by Applegate? If you haven't, I would highly suggest reading it. I'm not a "free verse" kinda girl when it comes to novels, but this one had me from the start. Here is an interview with Applegate as she talks about how the story came to be.

    This one particular question and answer spoke to me.
    The voice of a young African boy, I thought, was so … authentic. Can you tell me about how you found it?
    It was a process of stripping away the non-essentials, I suppose. I started with a more traditional narrative structure, then moved to free verse. I kept chopping away to find the most basic emotional units. In the end, it wasn’t so much about being a boy, being African, being young . . . it was about being different, and afraid. That’s a voice we all can channel.

    It's a book that should be on every middle grade teacher's bookshelf!

  12. Love this! Time for me to reread this book. Thanks!
