
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Skipping Out For a Bit

I'm heading home for a few days to visit with my mom. I'll be leaving bright and early tomorrow in the hopes that I get in at a decent hour. (Yes, I know I'm being pessimistic, but I don't think my flights have been on time in quite a long time.)

Tomorrow my wonderful poetry friends will be debuting original rondeau redoublés as part of the poetry Friday celebration. I'm sorry I won't be joining them this time around, but I'll be with them in spirit. Be sure to stop by the blogs of Tanita Davis, Kelly Fineman, Sara Lewis Holmes, Andromeda Jazmon, Laura Purdie Salas and Liz Garton Scanlon to read their fabulous pieces.

Don't know what a roundeau redoublé is? Check out this bit of background Kelly posted at Writing and Ruminating.

See you back here later next week.

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