
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid

We use the revised version of Bloom's taxonomy in teaching our candidates how to write objectives and plan for instruction and assessment. As they plan, we also want them to think about all the tools appropriate for instruction, including technology. The Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid makes thinking about technology tools in this context a breeze. For each level, direct links to a number of web applications that can be used to support instruction are included.
(The above work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Author: Samantha Penney,

Even if you don't teach, you'll find something here of interest. As a word lover I'm crazy about Visuwords, Wordnik, and Ninjawords. The visual learner in me loves Creately and Gliffy.

How about you? What are some of your favorites?


  1. Oh, I could stay on Wordnik forever. Great for prewriting! Thanks, Tricia!

  2. Oops, not Wordnik, but Visuwords. So many cool new tools to check out!

  3. This is amazing! At my school, teachers create units of study for students, with their input, & we believe Bloom's Taxonomy is so helpful. This adds the tech icing on the cake. Thanks very much for sharing!

  4. Thanks so much, this has provided me with great inspiration for a thinking literacy unit with my NZ kids. Just what I was looking for!

  5. This is very helpful. I want to bookmark it to remember where I found it but you don't have share buttons for this post. I copied the link into my G+ stream. I want to share it with teachers in as many ways as possible! Thanks for posting this.

  6. Great graphic! Lots to explore here! (And lots to debate...why is YouTube in evaluation and not creation??)

  7. I use creately diagram software. Do you have a review of that?
