
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

New Blog on Books in the Elementary Classrom

As I prepare for fall classes, I find that the WordPress blog my students were using has lost much of its appeal. Because of the problems we experienced last year, we barely used it. So, I have given up on Open Wide, Look Inside and have started a new blog for my classes. (Don't fret, as the content from OWLI will still be available!)

I hope you'll join us over at Bookish Ways in Math and Science. The blog will be devoted to using children's books in teaching elementary math and science, though I have no doubt some books for social studies will make an appearance. Case in point is my first post on books for going back to school.

1 comment:

  1. I was just beginning a list of books I own that I want to share with teachers in my school, & your book Back To School We Go will go on my wish list. It's wonderful to see more books about children all over the world. Thanks for telling us about it. The new blog looks good!
