
Friday, September 12, 2014

Poetry Friday - The Gray of Day

I've been reading some terrific new poetry books this week, so today I'm sharing a lovely poem from the book EVERYTHING IS A POEM: THE BEST OF J. PATRICK LEWIS.

The Gray of Day

Shy Evening paints all heaven gray,
Erasing blue from balmy Day,

Uncolors brute box elders, oaks,
And elms with even, gentle strokes,

Then finds the houses, whereupon
She dabs her brush ... their lights come on

As if two dozen stars fell down
To twinkle life into the town.

But Evening's easel leaves undone
One mischief streak of western Sun

To grace the masterpiece she drew—
Still Live: An Evening's Point of View

Till he robs her of fading light,
That thief of art, black-hearted Night.

Poem ©J. Patrick Lewis. All rights reserved.

I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Renée LaTulippe at No Water River. Happy poetry Friday friends!


  1. What a surprise to find this poem here too, after just reading it at TeacherDance. It was new-to-me until today -- outstanding choice :).

  2. This is so gorgeous. Sigh...this entire book is wonderful!

  3. I need to get this book as I was just reminding myself today that indeed, everything IS a poem.

  4. Oh my, Tricia, as you've noticed, I love this poem too. Glad we are enjoying this wonderful book!

  5. I just went outside to see if the northern lights were dancing in the sky, but, alas, that "one mischief streak of western sun" is hanging on and it's still too light. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous poem!

  6. Gotta get my hands on this book!

  7. It's a wonderful book, isn't it Tricia? I'm so thrilled to feature this book (and Pat as spotlight author) for the month of October on Today's Little Ditty.
