
Friday, September 19, 2014

Poetry Friday - Saved From the Discard Pile

I've frequented some library sales and second hand bookstores recently and have added some lovely titles to my poetry collection. Today I'm sharing two poems from the book Sweet Corn: Poems by James Stevenson.

Screen Door

When fog blurs the morning,
Porches glisten, shingles drip.
Droplets gather on the green screen door.
"Look," they say to one another.
"Look how dry it is inside."


The ladder leaning against the barn
Is like the man who used to use it:
Strong at the beginning,
Okay in the middle,
A few rungs missing at the end.

Poem ©James Stevenson. All rights reserved.

I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater at The Poem Farm. Happy poetry Friday friends!


  1. James Stevenson is simply marvelous! I am so glad you got this book. I adore him and all of his corn books. He just nails everything. Happy Poetry Friday!

  2. What a find, Tricia. Beautiful small poems, I like the idea of the droplets speaking. I didn't know about the corn books as Amy mentioned, only know Stevenson's name through the work with Prelutsky. I'll look for them!

  3. Thanks for sharing these. I have ordered up this book and a couple other of his corn poems books. These are just great.
