
Friday, January 31, 2020

Poetry Sisters and the LAST Friday of the Month - January Haiku

It seems late to be saying happy new year, but welcome 2020. This year my poetry sisters and I will be sharing our challenges on the LAST Friday of the month instead of the first. I'm grateful for the little bit of added time.

This month the challenge was to write a haiku with the theme or foresight, or the new year, or both. I'll admit I normally write every day, but I haven't written anything in a few weeks. It felt good to sit down and put pen to paper. Yes, that is how I write poetry!

Honestly, I would prefer to wrestle with a sonnet than a haiku. Some folks make haiku look easy, but man, getting it right is hard. Here are a few of the poems I wrote.

New Year's morning
recalling the prior year
fills me with gratitude

Janus minds the door
ushers in another year
humbles us with hindsight

January first
the birds in the trees sing
just another day

this year of foresight
cancel my psychic readings
horoscopes be damned

another new year
calendars out of sync
school's not even half over

Poems ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2020. All rights reserved.

You can read the poems written by my poetry sisters at the links below.
Tanita Davis
Rebecca Holmes
Sara Lewis Holmes
Kelly Ramsdell
Laura Purdie Salas
Liz Garton Scanlon
Andi Sibley

I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Jone MscCulloch at Deowriter. Happy poetry Friday friends!


  1. Oh, my favorite of these is the Janus one. I love the image it puts in my mind, of Janus standing guard at a swinging door, ushering years and fools and geniuses through in every direction.

  2. Great work! My favorite is the birds singing in the trees, just another day. Yes!

  3. I love the "horoscopes be damned", Tricia. It is so disappointing when things don't go as forecast! So many thoughts run through our minds at the turning of the year, as if it's never happened before.

  4. Here's to being humbled with foresight as Janus ushers in another year.

  5. I agree--haiku looks easy, but I find it challenging to get just right. I like the year of foresight one.

  6. I struggle with haiku, too. If being compact and pithy and lovely all in a few words wasn't hard enough, I even managed to screw up the syllable count yesterday---a 7 5 7 pattern instead of 5 7 5 and almost didn't catch it before I hit post on my blog. Urgh. But look at YOU, skating through this challenge with multiple entries. I'm fond of all-seeing Janus, but I'm comforted by plain old birds singing, regardless of our messy calendars...

  7. Tricia, I agree that in the haiku format you got to get it right. Your Janus haiku offers time to reflect as the door opens.

  8. I love "humbles us with hindsight" and the notion that birds live their lives day by day. My calendars inevitably go out of sync. Some years, it's a relief to start a fresh, clean one!

  9. These haikus remind me that we make a big deal of our calendar beginnings and endings, when in fact, like the birds, each day is just another day. That thought can free me from a lot of anxiety. Thanks very much!!!

  10. Yikes, that "school's not even half over" grabbed me! Ours is, though, because we started in early August. Had 100th day last week. I also love what you did with Janus, "humbles us with hindsight."

  11. Yes to the birds singing in every new day/month/year!

  12. school's not even half over, what a line. I hear you! Here's to 2020
