
Wednesday, April 07, 2021

NPM 2021 - Found Poem 7

Today's poem comes from The Shape of the World: A Portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright, written by K.L. Going and illustrated by Lauren Stringer.

Beautiful Buildings

he would learn
cubes, spheres,
cones, pyramids
shapes built up
tall or wide
flat or round

he marveled at
the world
saw shapes
everywhere he looked
loved the shape
of the world

he never forgot
hills and prairies
chose windows
set buildings
one with the world
and the wide expanse
of sky

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2021. All rights reserved.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see what new poem I've found. Until then, you may want to read previous poems in this series.
April 1 - Flotsam
April 2 - A Warm Wind
April 3 - Zentangle Poem
April 4 - Soap Bubbles


  1. Ooh, I LOVE the cover of this book, and your poem really captures Frank Lloyd Wright's aesthetic. In Glasgow at the Kelvingrove Museum is a gorgeous permanent display of art nouveau architecture by Charles Rennie Mackintosh who admired Wright excessively and was often called his European counterpoint. Oddly, his success didn't last as long as Wright's did... in part, I think, because Wright truly did never forget nature. He shifted and adjusted his art to take in differing landscapes, and thus it remained fresh and inspiring, as the natural world does.

    Anyway - love this! And I love how much you're teaching me with your nonfiction series.

    1. Thank you, Tanita. I appreciate you stopping by every day. At least I know someone is reading!
      When we met on Zoom at the end of March, I mentioned I'd been writing centos for this month, but when I realized Liz and Laura were writing each day, it felt a bit like cheating to share poems created in advance. I'm actually having fun pulling books off my shelf and seeing what kind of poem finds me.
