
Monday, April 04, 2022

NPM 2022 - Day 4

Today's poem is written to the newspaper clipping announcing my mother's engagement. The page is filled with classifieds and one brief bit of news. I imagine readers were probably more interested in the news story than the happy announcement.

This poem is a choka. The choka is a Japanese form of unrhymed alternating five and seven syllable lines that ends with an extra seven syllable line. It can be any odd number of lines. You can learn more about this form at Poets Collective.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see what new inspiration I've found for a poem. Until then, you may want to read previous poems in this series. I'm also sharing these poems on my Instagram in case you want to see them all in one place. 

April 1 - Senryu to a photo of my grandmother as a child
April 2 - Haiku to my mother's recipe
April 3 - Dodoitsu to a war memento


  1. I'm learning lots of new poetry forms this month! I never heard of a choku!

  2. Yes, a funny juxtaposition--to us!

  3. I never heard of this form before, Tricia. A wedding announcement followed by a dog bite is odd. The story line is explicit. I think I shall try this form.

  4. Tricia, I never heard of this format before. I like how the story flows but it seems a bit odd to have an auspicious announcement followed by a dog bite. When I got married, the announcement came in the bridal section that shared only wedding news. I plan on trying out this form.
