
Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Miscellany - Awards, Links and a Photo Op

While much of the kidlitosphere gathered in Portland on Saturday for the 2nd Annual Kidlit Bloggers Conference, I spent the day with a group of preservice and inservice teachers leading a workshop. I had great fun, but probably not as much as those reporting on the events from Portland. The good news is that Kidlit '09 will be held in D.C., sometime before the National Book Festival. (Will we even HAVE a festival next year once Laura Bush is gone?)

Some very kind people have bestowed awards on this blog. Recently, Just One More Book!!, and Blue Rose Girl Elaine awarded The Miss Rumphius Effect the I *Heart* Your Blog Award.
Way back in July (when I was on vacation), I received two awards that I just learned about/remembered while reading old post comments and Technorati links. I'm so sorry I missed these! The amazing Anastasia Suen selected TMRE for an Arte y pico award.
And how cool is this? Becky from In the Pages (one of my fellow Cybils judges) awarded TMRE this award.
All of these awards ask that you pass the honors on, but because I read so many great blogs, and since most have already been tapped for these awards, I'm simply going to say thank you so much for reading TMRE and making me a part of this wonderful community.

Morning Linkage

I had a "parking lot" moment yesterday morning. While I should have been heading into Stir Crazy for some tea and a scone while William was in Sunday School class, I was instead listening to this great interview with Dar Williams on NPR. And yes, I promptly went to iTunes and bought her new album. The interview was THAT good.

Yesterday's episode of This American Life included a story about the Harlem Children's Zone. Anyone interested in kids, education, literacy and/or raising children out of poverty needs to listen to this.

The last two episodes at The Classics Tales Podcast have been The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde. You can still listen to Part One and Part Two.

A Photo Op
Finally, a picture of my son in his new specs. Genes are an amazing thing. I'm just sorry he couldn't escape the one for nearsightedness he inherited from both his parents. He did pick out his own frames and seems quite happy with them, so all's well that ends well. (Until they get broken or lost, of course!)

1 comment:

  1. Re: will there be a National Book Festival after Laura Bush? I think MotherReader volunteered to run that too. (let's see how long it takes her to find this comment and go into shock.)

    Love the specs. I started wearing mine in second grade, although I'm a contacts girl now. Very, very cute! I must say, I do adore a man in glasses.
