
Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Poetry Stretch - Acrostic

I've posted a few stretches this month, but only one brave soul seems to be joining me each week. Please come back and join me/us!

Since fall is much on my mind, I thought it would be fun to write poems about fall. But wait! These won't be just any poems about fall, but acrostic poems about this lovely season. Here is an example. This poem comes from Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic, written by Steven Schnur and illustrated by Leslie Evans.
From the window the
Rows of
Orange pumpkins
Seem clothed in
Thin white shawls.
So, what kind of acrostic will you write for fall? Pick a word that sings autumn and write away. Then leave me a comment about your poem and I'll post the results later this week.

P.S. - Thanks to Elaine for her poetry Friday inspiration!


  1. Trisha I am sorry to have let my Monday Poetry practice slip. I've been so overwhelmed with starting grad school that a lot of things have been neglected. Poetry should not be one of them! I am going to try this one and get back to you. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. OK mine is up now too at my photo blog Sandy Cove 365. This was fun!

  3. Now how can I refuse a request like that?

    Here's mine:
