
Friday, May 27, 2022

Poetry Sisters Write to the Theme of String/Thread/Rope/Chain

This month's challenge was to write a poem using the words or theme of string, thread, rope, and/or chain. I thought a lot about kites and sewing, but none of my ideas really hit the mark. Yesterday I spent a few minutes watching an industrious spider and decided that was what I wanted to write about. 

Spider Triolet

They swing and dangle in the air
spiders spinning webs of string
patterned with unconscious flair
They swing and dangle in the air
perfect traps designed to snare
insects walking or on the wing
They swing and dangle in the air
spiders spinning webs of string

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2022. All rights reserved.

You can read the pieces written by my Poetry Sisters at the links below. 

    Would you like to try the next challenge? Next month we are writing poems in the form of Byr a Thoddaid. You can learn more about this form at Writer's Digest. We hope you'll join us. Are you in? Good! You’ve got a month to craft your creation(s), then share your offering with the rest of us on June 24th in a post and/or on social media with the tag #PoetryPals. We look forward to reading your poems! 

    I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Linda Mitchell at A Word Edgewise. Happy poetry Friday friends. 


    1. See, this is why I love triolets - you can say your piece and refine upon it, and the poem is still simple and straightforward. I really like this and could imagine it in a science book for kids.

    2. Oh, I've had a little affair with triolet verse lately. I have a ton of bad ones...maybe one or two good ones. But, aren't they fun? So satisfying to see one come together as well as this one has...spun together I should write.

    3. Tricia, your poem flows so well. Your observation skills provided the content and spun it into a creative story ngerpoem. I need to try a triolet poem. Next month's challenge is a humdinger!

    4. I almost wrote a triolet! It's a form that has a built-in "string" that pulls you through the poem. Brilliant to pair it with spiders...I can picture them, hovering...and always about to create something beautiful.

    5. I love triolets! And I love picturing the spiders as they swing and dangle creating patterns with unconscious flair - great images.

    6. Yes! What Sara said about the "string" in a triolet! I love your take on string and thread -- so creative!

    7. Delightful! I have a whole series of spider poems in response to "Dead Stars" by Ada Limon. They are endlessly inspiring, am I right?

    8. Just gorgeous! Thank-you for this moment of tiny beauty.

    9. I played with a triolet this past week, too! Love your spidery threads!
