
Friday, April 02, 2021

Poetry Friday and NPM 2021 - Found Poem 2

Welcome Poetry Friday friends! This year for National Poetry Month I'm writing and sharing found poems. You can learn more about this form and my plans in this post describing the project.

Today's found poem comes from p. 176-180 of Charlotte's Web Signature Edition, written by E.B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams.

A Warm Wind

winter ended at last
from the pond
in shrill chorus
hundreds of 
little frogs

snows melted, ran away
streams bubbled
with rushing water
sparrow arrived
and sang

light strengthened
mornings came sooner
another new lamb
goose sitting on eggs
sky wider
damp earth
sweet springtime

the moment for
setting forth
is here
go out
into the world
wherever the wind
takes you

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2021. All rights reserved.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see what new poem I've found. You can also read previous poems in this series.
April 1 - Flotsam

In the meantime, be sure to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Mary Lee at A Year of Reading.


  1. Tricia, your arrangement of White's words captures the essence of spring perfectly. Here's to "sweet springtime!"

  2. What a fun project! In addition to sharing the poetry you found, you'll bring attention to a whole variety of books (I loved your flotsam poem on day 1).

  3. Ooh, that last stanza! So much rich nature language in Charlotte's Web... beautiful. Thank you, Tricia!

  4. Oh, that last stanza!!!
    If only "the moment of setting forth" was always as clear. This is a beautiful book, and you've made such a lovely poem with it.

  5. Such a perfect source for poetry, and I really like what you've done with it.

  6. What a beautiful celebration of spring!

  7. Such an optimistic found poem and it feels in the tone of the book these words came from. Lovely project. I look forward to more.

  8. I love found poetry and what a wonderful book to use. I agree with the others - that last stanza! It would be a lovely verse for graduates!

  9. Ooooh, nice! I love finding poems in otherwise prose books!

  10. A found poem a day is a wondrous way to honor Poetry Month! Many of these lines from this beloved book echo in my memory. Lovely, lyrical spring tribute.

  11. What a perfect book for finding poetry of spring. I love this. And, finding poetry is such a joy. I find it very soothing to look through text, finding poems.

  12. Wow, Tricia, this is found poetry at its best. Hard to believe it's found and not given birth to.

  13. This is a delight! I love it and E.B. White uses the best words in the best ways and I am sure he would be thrilled by the poem you found among his. Lovely. I would want to read this again and again. Janet Clare F.

  14. A perfect spring poem. I would love to share it with my sixth graders, if that is ok?
