
Friday, April 23, 2021

Poetry Friday and NPM 2021 - Found Poem 23

Welcome Poetry Friday friends! This year for National Poetry Month I'm writing and sharing found poems, most of which are science- or nature-themed. You can learn more about this form and my plans in this post describing the project. I'm also sharing these found poems as images on my Instagram in case you want to see them all in one place. 

Today's poem comes from Life on Surtsey: Iceland's Upstart Island, written by Loree Griffin Burns.


a volcano exploded
under the sea
gave birth to 
an island

arrived with no warning
it had been
six thousand years
(or more!)
since the last eruption

base grew wider
top grew taller
pushed up and out 
of the ocean
lava bombs rained down
piles of ash
cinder and rock
survived waves and wind

a second volcano
belched to life
molten lava 
flowing down
cooled, hardened
foundation protected
the island
would survive

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2021. All rights reserved.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see what new poem I've found. Until then, you may want to read previous poems in this series. I'm also sharing these found poems as images on my Instagram in case you want to see them all in one place. 
April 1 - Flotsam
April 2 - A Warm Wind
April 3 - Zentangle Poem
April 4 - Soap Bubbles
April 6 - Mount St. Helens
April 8 - Muir in California
April 9 - Night on the Reef
April 12 - Slow Thoughts
April 13 - Snowflake Bentley 
April 16 - One Well
April 17 - Phytoplankton 
April 18 - Beneath My Feet
April 19 - Being Caribou 
April 21 - Fossils
April 22 - On the Brink

I do hope you'll take some time to check out all the wonderful poetic things being shared and collected today by Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core. Happy Poetry Friday all!


  1. I've been following the most recent volcanic activity there with much amusement; it's such a different world NOW than it was during Eyjafjallajokull in 2010 - there are DRONES for one thing, available to amateurs and hobbyists, and we can SEE the base rising wider, then taller, and pushing and belching to life. It's eerily beautiful and seems completely fake at the same time (what? liquid rock? No)...

  2. Lovely to remind about this island, Tricia. I like the ending of the poem, island done! I saw something a while ago about the work being done there to observe the 'population' growth of both flora & fauna, without intervention by people. Fascinating!

  3. Life on Surtsey is a terrific book, and your found poem distills the story of this island's creation perfectly!

  4. Have you been watching the volcano on St. Vincent? That's what your poem makes me think of!

  5. What an interesting poetic form! Thanks for sharing this.

  6. You pick all the best books! Love the connection to current events with this one!

  7. Your poems always make we want to get the book to learn more. I do appreciate the way the poem captures the essence and important information of a topic. I learn a bit at every stop. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Cathy. I so appreciate your kind words.
