
Thursday, April 07, 2022

NPM 2022 - Day 7

Today's poem is written to a photograph of my grandmother (the teen sitting and looking grumpy) and her mother (my great grandmother). On the back of the photo my mother wrote "Gram Benwitz" and "Mother." That's all I know. I wish I knew more about the car. I wish I knew why my grandmother looked so out of sorts. 

This poem is written as a tanka. A tanka is a 5-line poem with the syllable pattern 5-7-5-7-7. You can learn more about this form at The Tanka Journal.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see what new inspiration I've found for a poem. Until then, you may want to read previous poems in this series. I'm also sharing these poems on my Instagram in case you want to see them all in one place. 

April 1 - Senryu to a photo of my grandmother as a child
April 2 - Haiku to my mother's recipe
April 3 - Dodoitsu to a war memento
April 4 - Choka to my mother's engagement announcement
April 5 - Gogyohka to the receipt for my mother's engagement ring
April 6 - Senryu to a student's drawing of my dad


  1. That face! I wish you knew the story too, because I would love to hear more about it!

    1. Me too! I kept thinking back to all the times my parents denied me the use of the car, so that's the story that immediately came to mind for me.
