
Sunday, June 07, 2009

48 Hour Book Challenge - Final Numbers

Here are my final stats.
Books Read - 6 and a half, listened to 1/3 of another (What can I say? I'm a slow reader!)
Time Spent Reading - 21 hours
Time Blogging/Reviewing - 45 minutes

TOTAL TIME - 21 hours and 45 minutes
If you want to check out the updates from the weekend, you'll find them here.
I must now go back to the work of grading and preparing for class tomorrow. Reviews and final thoughts coming soon!


  1. Congratulations! I can't believe thie challenge is already come and gone now.

  2. Ah, another happy member of the 20+ club. Maybe this year we'll have T-shirts. Glad you could read with us!

  3. Great job, I hope to see you participating again next year! Mother Reader, a T shirt is a great idea! I love it. :D

  4. Congrats on breaking 20 hours, Tricia. And oh, I DO want a t-shirt. We could all wear them to the conference. I'll bet sheer envy would make more people catapult into the 20 hour club next year.
