As usual, I wrote these at the last minute. I enjoy writing limericks because it's really the only time I allow myself to be silly when writing poetry. I suppose I should take this as encouragement to be silly a bit more often in my writing.
Here's what I ended up with.
There once was a bird in a tree
Who looked down unkindly on me
He rose into the sky
And shat in my eye
Then returned to his branch filled with glee
There once was a bee in my room
Drawn by the sweet scent of perfume
He buzzed through the night
Kept me up ’till dawn’s light
Then in anger my shoe spelled his doom
In a fruit basket near a ripe plum
Flew a bee round and round with a hum
I swatted and swore
But he knew the score
And repaid me by stinging my bum
Poems ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2018. All rights reserved.
You can read the pieces written written by my poetry sisters at the links below.