
Monday, April 26, 2021

NPM 2021 - Found Poem 26

Today's found poem comes from the New York Times article Some Male Birds Fly Under False Colors to Attract Mates, Study Suggests, written by Emily Anthes. Unlike other found poems I have written this month, this one uses words and phrases in an order that is sometimes different from the way they appear in the text.

Meant to be Noticed

elaborate feathers 
with optical effects
deep black plumage and 
splashes of color 
  electric yellows
   traffic-cone oranges
    nearly neon scarlets

a vibrantly colored male
alerts nearby females
he would make 
a standout mate  
in the game of life

Poem ©Tricia Stohr-Hunt, 2021. All rights reserved.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see what new poem I've found. Until then, you may want to read previous poems in this series. I'm also sharing these found poems as images on my Instagram in case you want to see them all in one place. 
April 1 - Flotsam
April 2 - A Warm Wind
April 3 - Zentangle Poem
April 4 - Soap Bubbles
April 6 - Mount St. Helens
April 8 - Muir in California
April 9 - Night on the Reef
April 12 - Slow Thoughts
April 13 - Snowflake Bentley 
April 16 - One Well
April 17 - Phytoplankton 
April 18 - Beneath My Feet
April 19 - Being Caribou 
April 21 - Fossils
April 22 - On the Brink
April 23 - Surtsey
April 24 - Up From the Dirt
April 25 - Black Holes


  1. THE most scarlet of tanagers. Wow. I remember seeing my first cardinal in VA - it was shockingly red. We just don't have that color out West - a wing or tail spot of red here, a touch on head feathers here and there, but not in that full, screeching bright red nearly whole bird amount. I love it.

  2. So vivid!

    " electric yellows
    traffic-cone oranges
    nearly neon scarlets"
