In the tradition of
Nonfiction Monday, here's what folks are sharing today.
Why?, written and illustrated by Lila Prap, reviewed right here at The Miss Rumphius Effect.
Jama at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup has a review of Shining Star: The Anna May Wong Story, written by Paula Yoo and illustrated by Lin Wang.
Sarah at In Need of Chocolate has a review of Dinosarium by Barbara Brenner.
Shirley at Simply Science has a review and activity ideas for Nic Bishop Frogs.
Heidi at Wild About Nature has a review of The Robins in Your Back Yard, written and illustrated by Nancy Carol Willis.
Abby at Abby the Librarian has a thematic list of books on Reading Around the World.
Roberta at Wrapped in Foil has a review of Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2), written by Anne Rockwell and illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell.
Robin at The Booknosher reviews two titles by Brenda Guiberson.
Violet at Book Brew has a review of The Thinking Toolbox, written by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn.
Wendie at Wendie's Wanderings has a review of Jackson and Bud's Bumpy Ride, America's First Cross-Country Automobile Trip, written by Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff and illustrated by Wes Hargis.
At Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile you'll find a review of My Red, White & Blue (Musical Board Book) by Sally Williams Chapin.
Lori at Lori Calabrese Writes! has a review of The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by Roger Wachtel.
Charlotte at Charlotte's Library has a review of Narwhal Unicorn of the Sea (Smithsonian Oceanic Collection), written by Janet Halfmann and illustrated by Steven James Petruccio.
In addition to these reviews, I encourage you to visit Marc Aronson's blog,
Nonfiction Matters. Today he's written a post entitled
On War. Enjoy your tour of nonfiction around the kidlitosphere today.
Thanks for hosting this week! I've posted about Dinosaurium by Barbara Brenner. http://inneedofchocolate.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/non-fiction-monday-dinosaurium-by-barbara-brenner/
ReplyDeleteI'm in today with a review of Paula Yoo's new PB biography, Shining Star: The Anna May Wong Story.
Thanks for hosting today!
Thank you for hosting today. I've posted about Frogs by Nic Bishop at SimplyScience.
Heidi Bee Roemer reviewed The Robins in Your Backyard at The Wild ANature Blog http://wildaboutnaturewriters.blogspot.com/2009/05/nonfiction-monday-robins-in-your.html.
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting this week. I love your blog!
Thanks for hosting! I've got a list of multicultural books at Abby (the) Librarian:
ReplyDeleteReading Around the World for Early Elementary - http://abbylibrarian.blogspot.com/2009/05/reading-around-world-for-early.html
Roberta Gibson reviewed Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? at http://blog.wrappedinfoil.com/?p=270
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting here at your wonderful blog.
Thanks for hosting. Today I take a look at the books of Brenda Guiberson, including Ice Bears and Rain, Rain, Rain Forest http://thebooknosher.blogspot.com/2009/05/brenda-guiberson-nonfiction-writer.html
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for hosting!
ReplyDeleteCan you please add in my entry? It's a review of the book The Thinking Toolbox - a book that helps kids learn how to think.
I have
ReplyDeleteJackson and Bud's Bumpy Ride, America's First Cross-Country Automobile Trip by Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff
over on my blog -- Wendie's Wanderings
thanks for hosting. -wendie old
I just added a review of a patriotic one for Memorial Day:
Lori at Lori Calabrese Writes! celebrates Memorial Day with The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by Roger Wachtel...
Hi Tricia--thanks for hosting and welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI'm in with Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea, by Janet Halfmann.