Monday, September 01, 2014

Monday Poetry Stretch - Labor

Sorry I missed you last week, but with the start of the semester here, things got a bit crazy.

Yesterday during morning mass and the Prayers of the Faithful we prayed for those who labor and wish to do so. I thought a lot about that over the course of the day and realized how very lucky I am to not only be employed, but to be engaged in work that (for the most part!) love to do.

So, this is not very inspired on this day, but I want to write about work and labors of love. I hope you will join me. Please share a link to your poem or the poem itself in the comments.


  1. Don't know if this will take, but the single lines are supposed to be indented and italicized.

    Labor Day

    They cut tunnels
    so trains could spit steam beneath mountains.

    Wiping their foreheads.

    They laid cement and steel
    so skyscrapers could stand up and shout.

    Praying for prosperity.

    They picked fruit
    so a continent’s plates could bear bounty.

    Sending children to school.

    Remember the work of their strong arms,
    the hopes of their strong hearts!

    —Kate Coombs, 2014
    all rights reserved

    “Places for show,”
    Here I go,
    Breathe in, breathe out,
    Fast, slow,
    Curtains part,
    Quickened heart,
    Story time’s
    About to start.

    (c) Charles Waters 2014 all rights reserved.

    1. Charles, I like the idea of storytelling as labor--we don't always acknowledge creative work when we talk about labor, though of course it is!
