Monday, May 05, 2008

Monday Poetry Stretch - Inspired Image

It's the first Monday of the month, so that means this week's poetry stretch is to write a poem from an image. The poem may take any form that inspires you. Here is the image we'll be writing about.
This photograph was taken by lijojohnson and is protected under a Creative Commons license. You may include this photo with your poem as long as you include this attribution on your blog.

What does this photo say to you? What kind of poem will you write? Leave me a comment about your work and I'll post the results here later this week. Don't forget that if you like this kind of stretch, you can take it up every week with Laura Purdie Salas and her 15 words or less challenge


  1. Thank you Tricia! I really liked this one...


  2. Tricia,

    Thanks for the poetry stretch.
    Mine is at

  3. I'm in this week! You can see mine here:
