Thursday, October 11, 2007

Poetry Stretch Results - Limericks

Well, it appears that either limericks were just plain uninspiring or folks were too busy this week to participate. Even though I have little to share, one poem I have is extra special.

This past April, in honor of National Poetry Month, Elaine Magliaro at Wild Rose Reader posted a poem a day. Many of them were dedicated to members of the kidlitosphere. Elaine even had one for me. Can you guess what it was? A limerick! It is the perfect entry for this week's stretch. Do head on over and read Elaine's limerick, Cruise for Twos.

Here are the other entries for our limerick stretch.
Please welcome Mad Kane who is playing for the first time. She shares a limerick entitled School Daze.

Sister AE stops by this week and shares a work-related limerick.
It's not too late if you still want to play. Read the rules here. Then leave me a comment about your limerick and I'll include a link to your poem on the list.

1 comment:

  1. I managed to fit one in.
